Before explaining how to calculate conveyor capacity, I will explain what is a conveyor. Conveyor is a mechanical equipment which is designed to move material from one place to another.
Ok, now lets discuss what is a conveyor capacity.
Conveyor Capacity
Conveyor capacity is the maximum amount of material that is transferred by the conveyor in a particular time period. Say, ‘x’ kg in ‘t’ minutes or ‘n’ number of parts in ‘t’ minutes.
How to calculate conveyor capacity
Suppose the width of the conveyor is 40 cm, and it needs to move a part of dimension 20 cm x 25 cm. And stacking of part one over the other is not allowed. So the arrangement of part in the conveyor so as to get maximum capacity is by placing the two parts side by side. Please refer the picture below for more clarity. The speed of the conveyor is 50 cm per minute.
So, the capacity of the conveyor in 5 minute is ((50*5)/25) * 2
ie, 20 nos
So the capacity of this particular conveyor is 20 parts in 5 minutes or it will move 1 part in 15 Seconds.
Hence the formula for the conveyor capacity is, ((conveyor speed * time)/(length of part)) * no of parts along width of conveyor
Please note its assumed that parts can be placed close to each other in the conveyor, otherwise please add the gap to the length of the part.
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How to calculate under and overloading of a conveyor belt? For example, in a poultry industry. How to prevent it from happening while trying to convert all the input to output if we have breakdowns, while trying to work away all product (for good yield), with limited amount of time.
Hi Mbalekela,
Need more information to give feedback.
Anyways if you want to utilize the conveyor maximum you need to work on the reduction of breakdowns.
This can be done by finding the root cause of the breakdown through why why analysis.
I am interest in get information about how to calculate a capacity of chain conveyor. I need to calculate tje max capacity for a paint system. I would appreciate your help
And how its moved through conveyor
What is the product
Rosa need more data on chain conveyor.