You thoroughly analyzed the quantum of work volume at the factory floor, line balancing every possible production line and streamlining each movement/ activity of the shop floor workers. You were able to lower production costs by a healthy margin. The top Manager heaps praise on you in the production meeting and presents you with an award for your efforts.
But deep down you are dissatisfied. You know you can further reduce the production costs. A nagging feeling has been there all along inside you to suggest that maybe the people engaged in clerical activities to support the production crew is on the higher side. Moreover you have also noted some redundant activities done by the crew that you can eliminate altogether. You tried using the conventional IE tools like time study and work sampling, but the problem is you are not sure if the individual is active/ idle during your observations. If only there was a tool by which you can measure their work accurately… an assessment methodology by which you can quantify their work volume.
Analytical estimation is the perfect tool for such scenarios. What this tool does is it breaks down the activities of the individuals engaged in clerical work into simple tasks. A time estimate and a frequency of occurrence is arrived for each task in discussion with that concerned individual. Finally the corresponding work volume is arrived for that particular job position/ individual.
The steps involved in conducting analytical estimation study are as follows.
- Distribute the questionnaire format to the concerned individual/ group of individuals. A typical questionnaire is shown below.
Activity/ Element: The simplest activity/ element/ task performed by individual/ group of individuals described in detail
Frequency/ month: The number of times that particular activity may occur. It may happen once/ multiple times in a day, month or even a year.
Optimistic Time: The time required to perform that activity if every condition is favorable
Pessimistic Time: The time required to perform that activity if every condition is unfavorable
Normal Time: The time required to perform that activity if conditions are somewhat in between that of favorable & unfavorable circumstances.
- Explain to them clearly what each column header represents and how it should be filled. Ample time should be given for the individual to complete the questionnaire.
- The incumbent is expected to break down his/ her activity to the bare minimum, fill in the frequency of occurrence, an estimate of time required for those activities etc. In case the incumbent is unsure about the frequency of occurrences, advise them to seek help of recordical data if available, otherwise their best guess is good enough.
- Upon receiving the filled questionnaire, the IE expert should review the questionnaire and arrange for a one-on-one interview with each individual. In case a group of individuals is involved in performing the same task, interview with one or two incumbents is sufficient.
- The IE expert should cross check each data entry with historical records/ using time study as much as possible.
- The work volume for each incumbent is calculated as follows.
Work volume per month for each activity =
(Freq. x (Optimistic Time + 4 x Normal Time + Pessimistic Time)/6)
Work volume per month of incumbent =
Sum of work volume per month for each activity
Sum of work volume per month for each activity/ Available time per person per month = No. of Persons required for the job (or) Standard utilization of incumbent
The corresponding work volume can be used to calculate the number of persons required for any number of work positions, arrive at the standard utilization of incumbent/ person etc.
The main advantage of analytical estimation is that we are able to analyze data over a large period of time and the tool being cost effective etc.; however the cons include the possibility of errors creeping into the timings as the values are based on estimation and the requirement of a trained personnel for conducting the above study.
How to calculate manpower for maintenance crew through analytical estimation
The same study can be utilized for arriving at the required number of maintenance crew as well. A typical analytical estimation sheet required for maintenance activities is shown below.
This format is similar in nature to the analytical estimation sheet, but with a few additions. Separate sheets may be used for recording data corresponding to preventive, overhauling and breakdown related activities. The maintenance head is required to fill in the format explaining in detail the work volume corresponding to preventive, overhauling and breakdown maintenance. The combined work volume can be used to arrive at the manpower required for maintenance related activities.
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About the Author
Click here to know more about Mr. Vivek N Unni