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How to implement 5S Sort phase

Sort phase is the first phase of 5S. And, how to implement 5S sort phase will be precisely explained in this article. In the sort phase, as the picture conveys the message, we will sort the wanted and unwanted items separately and review the unwanted items.

After reviewing and confirming the unwanted items are not needed any more, actions are taken to dispose the items properly. Properly means we should select the most appropriate way to dispose the item, which gives the maximum money of for the item.

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Even though it is unwanted for us it will be valuable in some other place and they will give the best price for it. But we need to do some hard work in finding the suitable peoples for it.

Challenges in 5s Sort phase and how to overcome it

There will be a lot challenges in implementing the sort phase. As the picture gives us the message there  will be a tug of war between old culture of the company and the 5S sort phase. Because in sort phase we are challenging the present items, whether that item is wanted or unwanted. And most of the employees will not agree to dispose the item and they strongly believe this item will be needed in future. Also there will be another challenge that they will say they don’t have time to do sort phase, because they are very busy in their daily routing. The only tool to go beyond these challenges is training. Through training they will realize the importance of 5S sort phase and they will understand the benefits to them and to the organisation.

How to implement 5S Sort Phase

In the following contents I will explain how to implement 5S sort phase. This is a very detailed procedure and I have implemented this procedure and good result have been came out. 

There should be four levels of peoples Workers, Team leaders, Section heads and Managers for implementing 5S sort phase.


In sort phase the wanted and unwanted items in the workplace are separated and the unwanted items are disposed properly. Dispose meaning – get rid of by throwing away or giving or selling to someone else

What workers should do?

The workers should analyse each and every item in his work place, by checking whether he wants that item for his work or not, and he should reach up an answer whether to red tag the item or not. If he do not want that item and he is not able to dispose the item, he should red tag the item. If he do not want that item and he can dispose it, he should dispose it. If he needs the item, keep it in the work place.

 How to Redtag an item?

After an item is decided to be red tagged, worker should collect a redtag and thread kept at the redtag area, fill the details in the redtag and tie the redtag to the item. Also after red tagging the worker should enter details in the redtag logbook.

Its better to place redtag, thread and red tag logbook in the Local red tag area.

About Redtag

Redtag is a red coloured card containing details for communicating visually.

Details to be filled by the worker in the redtag

1. Tag No

2. Tagged by

3. Signature of the tagger

4. Tagging date

5. Item description

6. Section

7. Reason for red tagging

About Local red tag logbook

Local red tag logbook is a book for entering details about the all red tagged items.

Details to be filled by the worker in the redtag logbook

1. Tag No

2. Tagged by

3. Signature of the tagger

4. Tagging date

5. Item description

6. Section

7. Reason for red tagging

After red tagging an item the operator should move the red tagged item to the local red tag area, if its easily transportable otherwise its better to keep it there itself. An item should be there in the local red tag area for a minimum period of 2 days. This is to ensure that the all peoples have seen that item is red tagged.

About Local red tag area

Local red tag area is a small area in the shop floor, marked its boundaries with red coloured tape for keeping the red tagged items. It should be easily visible by everyone.

Role of Section Heads

Section heads are responsible for implementing 5S. After two days from the date of red tagging, the Section heads should decide what to do with the red tagged item.

How to decide what to do with the red tagged items

The Sections should ask a question ” Do I need this item in my section?” about each and every red tagged items in the workplace and select an action against each item.

Sections heads should enter the details in the redtag and local red tag area after making the decision.

Details that should be entered by the section heads in the Redtag

1. What to do with the item

2. Signature

Possible options for deciding what to do with items are;

1. Move to central redtag area

2. Dispose the item

3. Move to other section or area (specify the area)

About Central redtag area

Its an area same as local redtag area but outside the sections. There will be only one Central redtag area for an organisations. Also there will be central red tag logbook in that area for entering the details about the items moved to the central redtag area.

Details that should be entered by the section heads in the local red tag logbook

1. What to do with the item

2. Signature

3. Decision implemented with date

Role of team leaders

After sections heads decided what to do with the red tagged items the team leaders should implement the decision of the section head. They also should enter the details in the Central red tag log book.

Details that should be entered by the team leaders in the Central red tag logbooks

1. Tag no

2. Item description

3. Reason for red tagging

4. Date moved to central redtag area.

They can seek the help of other departments for implementing the decision. If the items are heavy and are difficult to move its is recommended to not to move the item. This can be decided later.

Team leaders should guide the workers for implementing 5S and they should also communicating between workers and Sections heads. They should also do the audit on daily basis for sustaining the sort phase.

Audit checklist in the sort phase

1. Presence of unwanted items in the work place

2. Proper filling of Redtag

3. Proper filling of Local retag logbook

4. Proper maintenance of local red tag area

Role of the Managers

Managers should decide what to do with the items in the Central redtag area and also the items that are not able to move to central redtag area. They also should drive the 5S implementation.

Details that should be entered by the Managers in the Central red tag logbooks

1. What to do with the item

2. Signature

3. Date in which decision is implemented

This procedure will result in the proper disposal of the unwanted items in organisation. The importance of this procedure is that, there is no end of this phase and it should be cyclic. As human behaviour is very resistant to changes, they will slip back to their old easy mode until they realise the importance of it. This can be achieved only by proper training and management intervention to the shopfloor for conveying the importance of sort phase.

Thank you for reading…

I also recommend you to read the following articles related to next phases of 5S. There are five phases in the implementation of 5S.

How to implement 5S Set phase

How to implement 5S Shine phase

How to implement 5S Standardize phase

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Meet Maheshwari
Meet Maheshwari
5 years ago

This is really well articulated! It clearly mentions the roles and responsibilty of 5S team members, which is very important.
Thanks for providing this clarity.