Melvin Vincent

Entrepreneur, Author, Industrial Engineer, Husband, Father, Son.


Efficiency represents how much of the input given to a process/machine is converted to useful output. Importance of Efficiency By calculating efficiency, we can know how much amount of input given to a process is converted to a useful output and how much input is wasted without converting into useful output. This knowledge will helps […]

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Productivity is one of the most popular word used in the manufacturing or business or competitive world. People who are cost conscious often use this word. Confused?… I will clear the confusion. What is productivity? Productivity can be defined in following way… Productivity is a measure of how much output is produced per unit input.

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Which is the correct method for increasing a number by a Percentage?

Please share your knowledge about this discussion point as comment of this post in this website itself. We will get two different values from the two methods shown in the picture. Which is correct?. If one method is correct, what is wrong in other method?. Thanks in advance. If you know any subject that can

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What is Kaizen ?

Kaizen is a word with meaning ‘a change for better’. So, any change which gives better results than previous state or situation can be called as Kaizen. But there are some characteristics for a change to be called as Kaizen. These characteristics gives the this word most popular and valuable. Characteristics of a Kaizen Change

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