How to make a Plant Layout

How to make a Plant Layout will be described in this article in 10 steps. Although I am discussing this for setting up an assembly line, this steps can also be applicable to all types of layout.

10 steps for a satisfactory plant layout

Following 10 steps can be followed for making a perfect plant Layout.

1. It’s assumed that we got a space for the layout, so, I am not considering the selection of layout space, because that’s not in the scope of this article and its a different subject.

2. Take the dimensions of the proposed space of the layout, with a measuring tape (I am using this laser distance meter and it is very convenient and accurate than conventional tapes) and draw the proposed layout in the AutoCAD. The layout should exactly match the proposed space and it should mention entrances, pillars, electrical panel, emergency exit, etc.

3. Measure the dimensions of all things that to be included in the layout. Which includes work tables, machines, material storage rack, floor space required for items which is to be kept on floor, etc.

In this step we also need to calculate no of workstations required in an assembly line. For knowing more about that and apply in your layout, please read my article on calculating no of work stations from takt time and cycle time

4. Next place these things in the layout in the autocad, considering the following points. Minimize the material and man movement between work stations, provide exact space for each and every item not more or less, try to make the flow direction of material and man in straight line which is the ideal condition( but in some cases you may be forced to do the layout in U shape for reducing movement and improving communication), provide adequate passages for man and material movement and also consider the passages for emergency exit.

After finishing these 4 steps you should have prepared a draft layout.

What to do with draft layout

5. Discuss this draft layout with the concerned teams who are going to work in this area and get their feedback.

6. If the suggestions are genuine incorporate it in the layout.

7. Finalize the layout for reviewing it with management.

8. Get feedback from management by discussing with them.

9. Incorporate management suggestion to the layout.

10. Once again visit the proposed site and just imagine that the items are placed according to the layout and make sure there is no issues, because this will help you to avoid some errors that might occur during layout implementation.

Thank you for reading

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Michael Sharkey
Michael Sharkey
4 years ago

There is a different methodology from a lean perspective. 1. Define your product group 2. establish your Takt Time 3. Review your work sequence 4. level load your process and 5. design your cell. There is a lot of detail to each of these steps but you managed to miss all the up front work in your process that makes it seem overly simple to do real layouts

5 years ago

Nice colour combination black and green

5 years ago

Information provide related to special IE point of view is very important for learning.

5 years ago

which all softwares are best suite for layout making process..