Melvin Vincent

Entrepreneur, Author, Industrial Engineer, Husband, Father, Son.

How to calculate First pass yield of whole process of a product

We have learnt what is First pass yield and throughput yield in previous articles. But, in those articles we have only considered one process, since we are just started to learn. Let’s learn to calculate first pass yield of whole process of a product which have more than one processes. Let’s start… So, if there

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How to open Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications window in Excel

In this article you will learn how to open Microsoft visual basic for applications window in Excel. You will be starting to learn or use VBA, that’s why you are reading this article. Best of luck… you have decided to explore a big ocean. Before coming into the point let’s discuss the uses of VBA

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Load Chart – For Scheduling, Monitoring and Tracing of production

If you have thought about how to optimize the production of low volume products, which requires highly skilled operators or costly machines, you might end up search with load chart. So read on to get a complete understanding on this topic. Load chart is a tool for scheduling, monitoring and tracing of production. You will

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Dashboard is the most common word used nowadays in business or operations. We will discuss why this word is getting more and more popular now, in this article. Before we start I would like to remind you one thing that decision making is not difficult compared to analyzing data. Analyzing data is the most difficult

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