In this article you will learn how to open Microsoft visual basic for applications window in Excel. You will be starting to learn or use VBA, that’s why you are reading this article. Best of luck… you have decided to explore a big ocean.
Before coming into the point let’s discuss the uses of VBA
Use of Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications
Using Visual basic for applications (VBA) we can program excel tasks, by writing custom codes. We can program a series of tasks in Excel and this program can be run in just one click.
This application will help to complete task easily and faster. And this is the basics of excel automation.
No need to have coding skill, for using entry level VBA.
There is a function to record macro in Excel.
You can learn how to record macro and automate tasks in Excel from this article.
Am I deviating from subject….?
How to open VBA window in excel
Here we will discuss two method to open Microsoft VBA in Excel.
Method 1
- Open excel file
- Press Alt key in keyboard and press F11 key in keyboard without releasing Alt key.
That’s it….a window will pop up and that’s the window for VBA.
Method 2
- Open excel file
- Click on Developer tap (if not able to see developer, tab click here)
- Click on Visual Basic
A window will pop up and that’s VBA window.
Now you are ready to dive in to a big ocean of VBA.
Thank you.