You can refer the article on Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE), for knowing about OEE and how this calculator works.

Please read the instructions for using OEE calculator, before using this OEE calculator.

'); mywindow.document.close(); mywindow.document.focus(); mywindow.document.print(); mywindow.document.close();} function MultiplyBy() { var f1 = document.getElementById("f1").value; var f2 = document.getElementById("f2").value; var f3 = document.getElementById("f3").value; var f4 = document.getElementById("f4").value; var f5 = document.getElementById("f5").value; var f6 = document.getElementById("f6").value;document.getElementById("f7").value = ((((f1 - f2) - f3)/(f1 - f2)) * 100).toFixed(2) + " %"; document.getElementById("f8").value = (((f4 * f5)/((f1 - f2) - f3)) * 100).toFixed(2) + " %"; document.getElementById("f9").value = (((f5 - f6)/f5) * 100).toFixed(2) + " %"; document.getElementById("f10").value =((((((f1 - f2) - f3)/(f1 - f2))) * (((f4 * f5)/((f1 - f2) - f3))) * ((f5 - f6)/f5)) * 100).toFixed(2) + " %" }


Machine NumberMachine DescriptionSectionShiftDateOperator
Duration of Shift (Minutes)
Total Break Duration
Down Time (Minutes)
Cycle Time (Minutes)
Total No:of Parts Produced
Total No:of Parts Rejected
Availability Factor
Performance Factor
Quality Factor

If you have any suggestions regarding this oee calculator, please visit suggestions page.

Also, here is article on how we can improve OEE

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