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SQL Commands for Creating Database

We use SQL Commands for Creating Database to create a relational database for storing data. This allows us to create a database with a particular name that we can specify while creating the database.

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  8. SQL Commands with Examples

Why do we need to create a database?

A database can be effectively utilized to manage enormous amounts of data. Additionally, it makes it simple for us to access, amend, and remove data. By giving us the ability to restrict access to information, they also help us prevent data redundancy and keep our data secure.

How can we use SQL Commands for Creating Database?

The syntax to create a database in SQL is given below:

CREATE DATABASE databasename;  

Here the database name specifies the name of the database we want to create using the command.


The syntax to create a database in MySQL is the same as the one given above. In the oracle systems, there is no need to create a database. But if you want to create a custom database you can use the same command.

Examples of SQL Commands for Creating Database

CREATE DATABASE Knowindustrialengineering;  

The above command would create a database on your database providers server. Now you can use the following command to verify that you have created the database.


The above command would list all the available databases on the server host. You can check to see if the database you have created is in this list to confirm that its successfully created.

Note: Please use a unique name for the database. Otherwise, you won’t be able to create a database. Or if you want to replace the existing database with the new one then use the following command.


The above command would replace the existing database with the same name or create one if it doesn’t exist already.

read the MySQL manual to know more about the topic.

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1 year ago

👍🏿 Very Useful